E-Invoicing - Germany
With the E-invoicing add-on for Germany, you can create PDF/A3 ZUGFeRD compliant documents from your invoices.
How to Install the E-Invoicing - Germany Add-on
Step 1: Download the add-on package
- Log into your account at FusionInvoice.com and download the add-on package to install. Save it locally to your computer.
Step 2: Unzip the add-on package
Step 3: Upload the add-on folder to your server
- Upload the unzipped add-on folder from your computer to the custom/addons folder on your server. It is recommended that you use a standard FTP program such as FileZilla to upload the folder to your server.
Step 4: Enable the add-on
- Log into your FusionInvoice install, navigate to Configuration menu and select the Add-ons option. The E-Invoicing - Germany add-on should be shown in the list. Click the Install or Enable button for the add-on. Once the add-on is installed, there are a few configuration items to take care of.
Step 5: Configure your E-Invoicing Options
- From the Configuration menu, select Company Profiles and select the company profile for which you want to enable E-Invoicing.
- In the second section of the page, you will see a section entitled E-Invoice and a field labeled "E-invoicing Support". Change the field option from "Not Set" to "Germany". This sets the default for all new invoices created for this company profile. It does not change any old invoices.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and review the information in the Banking Information section. Fill in your bank details so that payments for your invoices may be routed to your bank account. The Banking QR Code is not required.
- Save the changes to your company profile.
- If you have multiple company profiles for which you want to enable E-Invoicing, perform the same steps above for each company profile record that should support E-invoicing.
Step 6: Understanding the Hierarchy
- As described in Step 5, each company profile can have a default E-invoicing country. In addition, you may set the default e-invoice country on a client record, or even an individual Invoice. Once the setting is turned on, any invoice can generate the specialized E-invoice PDF/A3 document. You can download the document from with FusionInvoice as well as through the invoice’s public link, so that your customers can easily download it themselves.
Step 7: Testing
- Enter a new invoice
- You should see the value for the invoice's Options "E-invoicing Support" set to the default company that you chose above. Once you have entered the invoice detail and saved, you will see the "E-Invoice" menu option with the Actions button at the top. Clicking this will generate the E-invoice for you to review or download.
- Edit an existing invoice
- It's likely that the value for the invoice Options, E-invoicing Support will display as "Not Set". Change it to reflect the E-Invoice country that you would like and save the invoice. From the Actions button at the top, you will see the "E-invoice" option. Clicking it to generate the E-invoice for review or download.
- Downloading the E-invoice from a public invoice link.
- When you send an email to your clients from FusionInvoice, it contains a link to open the invoice from your FusionInvoice hosted server. You can also view this from with FusionInvoice, from the invoice page by clicking the "Other" button and "Public Link" menu item. You'll see a new button shown at the top of the invoice view called "E-Invoice". Clicking this will allow you (or your clients) to download the specialized PDF/A3 document.