Moving your Installation
Here's a simple step-by-step guide to move your FusionInvoice installation to a new host:
Step 1
Export your whole FusionInvoice database from the current provider. You can do this straight from FusionInvoice in the settings menu, or use a database admin tool like PHPMyAdmin or MySQL WorkBench.
Step 2
Compress all of your FusionInvoice directory files from the old provider into a zip file.
Step 3
At the new provider, create new database.
Step 4
Import the data that you exported from the old database into the new one.
Step 5
Upload the zip file of your files to the new provider and extract its contents.
Step 6
Edit the /config/database.php file to target your newly set up database.
Step 7
Clear your caches by removing all files from these directories:
- /Bootstrap/cache
- /storage/framework/cache
- /storage/framework/views
- /storage/framework/sessions
Step 8
Log back in. Your FusionInvoice should now be up and running at the new location.